full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Reed Hastings: How Netflix changed entertainment -- and where it's headed

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Chris Anderson: I have been long so fascinated and amazed by so many aspects of nfetilx. You're full of surprises, if I may say so. One of those surprises hpeapend, I think about six years ago. So, the company back then was doing really well, but you were basically a sintmearg service for other people's films and TV content. You'd persuaded Wall Street that you were right to make the kind of rcaiadl shift away from just sending people DVDs, so you were doing it by streaming. And you were growing like a weed — you had more than six miillon subscribers and healthy growth rates, and yet, you chose that moment to kind of make a giant — really, a bet-the-company decision. What was that decision, and what motivated it?

Open Cloze

Chris Anderson: I have been long so fascinated and amazed by so many aspects of _______. You're full of surprises, if I may say so. One of those surprises ________, I think about six years ago. So, the company back then was doing really well, but you were basically a _________ service for other people's films and TV content. You'd persuaded Wall Street that you were right to make the kind of _______ shift away from just sending people DVDs, so you were doing it by streaming. And you were growing like a weed — you had more than six _______ subscribers and healthy growth rates, and yet, you chose that moment to kind of make a giant — really, a bet-the-company decision. What was that decision, and what motivated it?


  1. million
  2. streaming
  3. netflix
  4. radical
  5. happened

Original Text

Chris Anderson: I have been long so fascinated and amazed by so many aspects of Netflix. You're full of surprises, if I may say so. One of those surprises happened, I think about six years ago. So, the company back then was doing really well, but you were basically a streaming service for other people's films and TV content. You'd persuaded Wall Street that you were right to make the kind of radical shift away from just sending people DVDs, so you were doing it by streaming. And you were growing like a weed — you had more than six million subscribers and healthy growth rates, and yet, you chose that moment to kind of make a giant — really, a bet-the-company decision. What was that decision, and what motivated it?

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
hour spent 2
spent watching 2
intensive film 2
algorithms tend 2
violent pornography 2
john doerr 2
mark zuckerberg 2
completely unfairly 2
public school 2
public schools 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
hour spent watching 2

Important Words

  1. amazed
  2. aspects
  3. basically
  4. chose
  5. chris
  6. company
  7. content
  8. decision
  9. dvds
  10. fascinated
  11. films
  12. full
  13. giant
  14. growing
  15. growth
  16. happened
  17. healthy
  18. kind
  19. long
  20. million
  21. moment
  22. motivated
  23. netflix
  24. people
  25. persuaded
  26. radical
  27. rates
  28. sending
  29. service
  30. shift
  31. streaming
  32. street
  33. subscribers
  34. surprises
  35. tv
  36. wall
  37. weed
  38. years